Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)

Image for Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)


*Price: Depends on the area to be treated, to be determined upon consultation. Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a cosmetic procedure wherein it replicates the look of hair follicles using pigments, similar to tattooing. The SMP artist creates small dots in the scalp to recreate the look of small hair follicles. For men who are experiencing pattern or complete baldness, the procedure would result in a look resembling a short shaved hairstyle. For women and men, who are not experiencing complete baldness, the procedure would lessen the color contrast of the scalp and the hair, making the hair look fuller. Hair Micropigmentation does not only resolve hair loss problems, like balding and receding hairlines. The procedure also helps in covering scars and blemishes from surgeries and accidents. It also helps in blending birthmarks into the natural color of the hair. A person undergoing Scalp Micropigmentation needs a series of 4 sessions to achieve the desired result. Each session usually lasts from 2-3 hours and is done every 7-10 days. However, the time still differs for each person; those people with full bald heads would take more time for their session.
